The Client Value Generation Strategy
We believe that sustainable value in any business can only be realized when the business makes a commitment to achieve and then maintain a high level of Operational Excellence (OE). “OE” is very dynamic in that it is totally dependent on the effective integration or the “LINQ” of three key fundamental elements: 1) engaged people, 2) lean processes, and 3) effective technology. The successful LINQ of these three elements is where OE is created for maximum effect, and it is conversely neutralized when the LINQ is lost.
Effective technology should not be misconstrued as a necessity for investing in expensive cost prohibitive state-of-the-art technology. If it doesn’t make financial or operational sense then avoid this huge unrecoverable misstep. Because the wonderful efficiencies and quality outcomes associated with the technology are often significantly misaligned with business' basic financial and operational constraints. It’s critical and best to exploit the right technology within the financial and operational realities of the business. LinQ-biz Consulting Ltd. can provide an array of engineered technology solutions including customized solutions to suit any precaster’s specific needs, capabilities, and constraints.

It is an essential first step to map out the current process in sufficient detail to effectively identify all of the activities, resources, constraints, controls, and risks associated with the creation and realization of product. LinQ-biz Consulting Ltd. believes this to be fundamental engagement for all personnel. Employees ultimately gain a better understanding of the wasteful impacts present at every possible stage of the product realization process. It’s imperative to administer this effort with authentic curiosity and inquisition to continuous process improvement and hence encourage positive employee participation. When the mapping process is done sufficiently well, the opportunities for improvement associated with the current methodology are revealed to the frontline production personnel.
It is often said that “business culture is the thing that happens when there’s no one watching.” If that is true, then that reality has either the potential to cause great operational comfort and confidence or conversely great angst from mistrust and insecurity to the shareholder(s). LinQ-biz Consulting Ltd. believes that employees come to work to make a positive contribution and expect to be provided the necessary resources and instruction to do so. Imagine a manufacturing program that develops the right person to be engaged in the right activity while effectively using the right resources to consistently build quality products in a timely manner. Now recognize and reward that behavior around some key metrics to optimize your business culture.

Engagement Steps:
- Listening – Meeting with the client precaster virtually or in person to gain a thorough understanding of the precaster’s current business state and what they want to achieve and the urgency in which to do so.
- Size It Up – A series of investigative visits to the precaster site to assess and understand any and all of the operational and situational gaps that may exist that impact the staff, processes, and technologies within the current state and the desired future state of the business.
- Agreement – A proposal and NDA that outlines the engagement value, consulting strategy, important milestones, program responsibilities, employee roles and authorities, communication formats and periodic review methodology.